Gretsch G6659TFM Players Edition Broadkaster Jr. with Flame Maple Top 2019 – Present – Bourbon Stain

$ 1900.00

[v] Gretsch G6659TFM Players Edition BGretsch G6659TFM Players Edition Broadkaster Jr with UPGRADES!!! I’ve owned this guitar for a few years. Roller bridge installed along with TV Jones Power’Trons. Also added a soft touch spring. All original parts are included MINUS the original pickups. The Power’Trons gave me more of a true Gretsch sound than the originals. The guitar is in excellent condition EXCEPT for a small blemish on the back. It is like a scrape but not really noticeable and very superficial. I’ve owned this guitar since 2020. Weight is only 7lbs 2.5oz.

This is the description Of the guitar from when I got it in 2020. Played it for a while but not enough. It belongs in a players hands not in it’s case.